We use only proven raw materials to manufacture our albums. The foils used for the stock sheets of our stamp albums, sheet albums and protective covers are guaranteed to be free from plasticizers and acids. We give you this guarantee because many transparent foils contain plasticizers that are harmful to the stamps.
Topic lead sulfide damages to stamps
For some time there has been a controversial discussion about possible color changes in classic stamps, which were printed before about 1875 and were stored between rigid PVC plastic films. A reaction of lead-containing printing inks with stabilizers of this film is suspected. However, a number of independent reports have not been able to prove a causal relationship.
From about 1875 stamps were usually printed with synthetic colors. These are not affected by this problem.
Until now, we do not know from color changes in stamps, which are stored in KOBRA albums.
Of course, we can not completely exclude a risk. Please note that plastic films can offer no or only limited protection against various environmental influences such as sunlight, moisture, air pollutants and high temperatures. We therefore recommend that you regularly check your collectibles for changes.
Much of our products has been made for more than 50 years from plastic films whose neutral behavior is highlighted in various publications in this context (polypropylene, polyethylene and polyester). The rigid PVC film used by us is plasticizer and acid-free.
Below we inform you about the plastic films we use:
Product | Artikel Number | Material of Pages | Application |
Small cover albums | G3 bis G9 | polypropylene | Letters, envelopes, documents, postcards, FDCs |
Patent box | KS | polystyrene, cardboard | Stock cards |
Stock cards cardboard | K01 bis K06 K1G bis K5G |
rigid PVC, cardboard | Stamps, blocks, sheetlets, banknotes |
Stock cards plastic | K11 bis K16 | rigid PVC | Stamps, blocks, sheetlets, banknotes |
Protectiv sleve to slip over | KH | rigid PVC | Stock cards |
Index cards | KR | cardboard | Stock cards |
Storage box | KS1 | polystyrene | Stock cards |
Storage system | KS2 | sheet steel | Stock cards |
Stock sheets system Combi | E11 bis E28 | rigid PVC | Stamps, blocks, sheetlets, envelopes, banknotes, documents |
Interleaving pages | RA, RB, RC | cardboard | |
Interleaving page | RZ | polypropylene | |
Stamps protection sleeve | E10 | polypropylene | size A4 |
Double FDC albums | G22, G24, G12P, G12S G21E bis G23E G11E bis G13E |
rigid PVC, cardboard | letters, envelopes, documents |
Plain page | V2E | cardboard | Stamps, documents |
ETB albums | G15, G15E G17, G17E |
polypropylene | ETBs, size A5 |
ETB albums | G18, G18E | rigid PVC | ETBs, size A5 |
Small postcard albums | G172, G172E G173E G30, G32E |
polypropylene | Postcards, photos |
Small postcard albums | G182, G182E | rigid PVC | Postcards, photos |
Liebig picture album | G40 G41E bis G47E |
rigid PVC | Collection cards, Liebig-cards |
Stock album | G54 G51E bis G59E |
polypropylene | Postcards, stock cards, size A4, documents, collection cards |
Stock page | G64E | rigid PVC | Postcards |
Large postcard albums | AK11 bis AK26 | rigid PVC | Postcards, documents, collection cards |
Interleaving pages | AK1C, AK2C | cardboard | |
Telephone card albums | G28, G29, G14 G28E, G14E |
rigid PVC | Telephone cards |
Interleaving pages | G23C G28A, G28C, G28D G14A, G14C |
cardboard | |
Sheet albums | B2, B8 | polypropylene | sheetlets |
Sheet albums | B3 bis B7, B9 | polypropylene, glassine | Stamp sheets, posters, newsletters |
Euro coins strip | FE8 | rigid PVC, polypropylene | Euro coins |
Coin pockets | FT1, FT1G FT2, FT2G |
polypropylene | Coins |
Drying book | T2 | blotting paper, polyethylene | |
Approval cards | VL3, VL4, VK3, VK4 VR3, VR4, VF3, VF4 VK3U, VM5, VT5 |
PET, cardboard |
Stamps |
Approval cards | VK4T | rigid PVC | Stamps |
Protective covers | T11 bis T36 | polypropylene | Various |
Protective covers | T71 bis T96 | rigid PVC | Various |
Protective covers | T74-PET bis T83Q-PET | PET | Various |
Polyethylene = PE
Polypropylene = PP
PVC = Polyvinylchlorid
PET = Polyethylenterephthalat (Polyester)
More detailed product data can be found in the shop at the specifications of the individual products.